Book Blog, Other Reviews

Book Review : Sugar

Book Title: Sugar

Book Author: Deirdre Riordan Hall

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Published Date: June 1st 2015

“I’m the fat Puerto Rican–Polish girl who doesn’t feel like she belongs in her skin, or anywhere else for that matter. I’ve always been too much and yet not enough.”

I was very intrigued by the synopsis of this book and thought I’d take a risk with it as I had no idea what to expect out of it. I can say that I was truly pleased that I did take this chance.

The book follows Sugar, that’s her nickname, a teenage girl who is struggling with her weight and having difficulty dealing with her emotions regarding that. She lives with her mother and brother, who are equally overweight – her mother more so and is in bed rest. They tend to body shame and emotionally abuse Sugar as a way to release their own frustrations. Adding to Sugar’s misery, is her peers at school who also bully her whenever they get the chance.

Then she meets Even, whom she bonds with and gets to experience all those life-changing moments as he sees her for what she is and not just her body.

I wouldn’t consider this an easy read as it had touched base with lots of important subjects such as body-shaming, bullying, emotional abuse and so much more.

You can’t help but feel sorry (and extremely angry) for Sugar. It was such a depressing, yet a very inspiring book that I believe is worth the read.

Though I do feel compelled to warn you that upon reading this book to stay far away as possible from the kitchen or any snack drawer you might have.

Beware of your appetite!! This book will have you craving every type of food imaginable.

Happy Reading!