Book Blog

How to get free books from Publishers and Authors

Do you want to get free books from authors/publishers?

Processed with VSCO with v6 presetOf course, you do.

Who doesn’t love free books?

It’s no secret how to and it’s no rocket science

BUT what you’re about to read is based on my own experience.

It could be different for you and it’s certainly different for other peeps, as there could be certain factors that affect what kind of books you get or from where you could get them.

Anyhoo, without further a due, my first tip is to:

1. Understand that they are not “free” books.

I’ve seen a lot wish and moan that they want those free books to expand their libraries or to just simply read them. BUT what exactly are YOU offering back?

Read any email sent to you, or those book reviews, posted by peeps who got those free books and the keyword is there.

“Free book in an exchange for an honest review”

Yep! The keyword is exchange! Exchange for what? A review.

So trust me, it’s not a free book. You are expected to give something back and some require it within a certain time.

2. Be Committed and show it!

If you are doing it through Instagram or any other platform, it would really help to have a clear, precise profile. Add that “book blogger” to your bio and mean it. Mention what is it that you do, which I’m secretly hoping that it’s reviewing books.

Advanced Copy of Stranger by David Bergen by Duckworth books

Myth: You need to have an xxx amount of followers and perfect pictures.

No, you don’t!

I had a merely 3k account when I got approached to review a book and my pictures weren’t exactly art gallery material.

But I made it work.

And so can you.

3. Know your stuff (?)

Understand the terms that are used in a book blogging environment.

Words such as:

  • Book Cover Reveal
  • Book Tour
  • Book Review

I will admit that I had no idea what they were but the Bookstagram community is amazing. Ask a question and everyone would be jumping in to help.

You can do the same. Ask before jumping into things so you would know exactly what is expected of you.

4. Set up your rules!

It’s totally awesome that you are getting a free book, and you’re over the moon that they chose you.

Well, guess what? They should be over the moon as well that you have accepted their book, took the time to read and review it.

Processed with VSCO with v6 preset
Advanced copy of The One by John Marrs (Penguin UK Books)

I have learned that it’s ok to be picky about what books to accept as my time has become very limited and I want to be able to read the books that I want to enjoy as well.

It’s totally ok to say no, once in a while.

I have also put up a review policy on my blog where I clearly defined what is it that I’m looking for.

For example, I don’t read or review erotica and I made certain to emphasize this.

You can check up my review policy here.

Another point I want to mention is that you have to be clear about where you will post your reviews, when you would post it and you need to make sure you stick to that agreement.

5. Be Honest.

I think this is the most important thing.

You being real.

Note that there are a lot of other readers checking up your reviews and trusting your every word.

Don’t be afraid to speak your mind about the book but bear in mind to offer good criticism if you don’t like it.

There is no need to be harsh or mean. You can still get your point across without offending the authors and the readers along with it.


6. Do Something about it.

Sure you can do all those five steps that I  have mentioned, sit and wait to be approached but slowly your patience runs out and you get frustrated.

So why not approach them?

You can send an email to the publisher but before you do make sure:

  • To know your publisher. What kind of books do they publish, would they interest you? It’s also good to know the region of your publisher. If your publisher is in the US and you are in Australia, approach them instead. That could help with your chances.
  • To include your full name, about yourself – mainly what your blog is, your IG account, number of followers, etc.
  • To include your address in that email. That way, they won’t have to reply back asking for it.
  • To be nice in that email, and straight to the point. Keep it short.

You will be rejected many times and that’s ok. Don’t give up!

7. Focus on YOU!

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Advanced Copy of Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (Penguin Uk books)

Focus on building up your account, don’t stress.

Read the books that you already have and tag its author, publisher..etc.

You will get noticed eventually!

And I truly believe when a publisher or author sees how much fun you’re having, they would love to add you to their list of book reviewers.

In the end, its all about having fun!

Are you having fun?

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to add it in the comments below. I would love to offer as much help as I can.

24 thoughts on “How to get free books from Publishers and Authors”

  1. I’ve always been wondering how people receive physical ARC’s and I guess the answers I’m looking for are here! Thank you so much for sharing! 😁 it really helps a lot for people like me who’s still building themselves in the book community.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you! This I’m sure will help me someday! I have always wanted to receive ARCs or books and reviewing it is even better because I LOVE writing reviews! Thanks so much! This really has helped!
    @reneesbookstagram xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very clear and crisp blog post. Thank you for this.
    My question: Is having a blog mandatory for authors and publishers to notice you or do they also entertain reviewers who review books on Social media accts and Amazon etc.?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Having a blog helps. But it’s not necessary – based on what I’ve seen. As long as you post your reviews on social medias. I post on goodreads, IG and my Facebook page. And announce it in Twitter.


  4. Some excellent points, here – especially re: honesty and transparency! It would seem to me (a relative newbie) that too many reviewers are anxious about providing genuine critique when they have been provided a copy of a book in exchange for a review (especially an ARC). I think book bloggers (collectively) have a bit of a hang up about “not biting the hand the feeds them”. The thing we all need to recognise is that (1) without honesty and transparency in our reviews, we are no longer book bloggers, merely publicists (which is not what we signed up for, nor did our readers), and (2) an honest, critical review doesn’t necessarily mean that readers will think the book is bad or not buy it as a result of our thoughts. Heck, I’ve read “negative” reviews by other bloggers and thought “this sounds like something I should read” (be it that I know my tastes are radically different to theirs, or their criticisms pique my curiosity, or whatever). Thank you so much for sharing this list, fantastic work! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your words. That’s so true. Not every understands what it is to be a reviewer. We are not ones to increase book sales. And even if we are part of it. Just mentioning the book and what it’s about, whether my review was good or bad, is a chance for some to check it out and make up their own minds about it.


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